Sunday, February 17, 2019

It is February and the snow has been coming down for over two weeks now. Our little garden shed is blanketed in snow and the garden fence is covered. George took vacation days to stay home and deal with the snow and I was fortunate to have not one, but three days of SNOW DAYS! George's main activities during his vacation have been snow remove. First the driveway then the roof and then back to the drive. He will be back out this morning with the additional 12 inches we got. I have been cleaning and cooking. The best gift I can give George is a good smelling house and a warm belly. I have to say that the Hershey's Salted Caramel chips are amazing. I followed the recipe on the back of the package, but then drizzled some caramel topping and sprinkled sea salt on the top. Wow!!! I will be experimenting some more. I hope that everyone is having a warm and safe winter. Happy shoveling!!!